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Loot FTW is always on the look out for exceptional players

- All Classes Open


We are a group of people that consists mainly of old Loot FTW members who have raided hardcore in the past. Many of our members have known each other for years. The guild is run by longstanding members of Loot FTW and our members combined experience spans all expansions. Whilst we cannot commit to 40+ hour raid weeks anymore we still share the same lust for progress. If you enjoy progress raiding, but cannot put in the time that a full blown hardcore raiding schedule requires, Loot FTW may be the guild for you.

If we are currently not recruiting your class feel free to apply. We will keep your application for future consideration.

A trial will last several weeks during which we will evaluate your performance. It is important for you that you show us you have the following skill/ mind set:

  • Near 100% attendance on Monday and Tuesday
  • The ability to speak on Discord is mandatory. We do not recruit mutes.
  • Be critical of your own performance and be able to take criticism.
  • Have enough time outside of the raid days to make sure that your character is in top notch condition.
  • Active participation in solving encounter based problems.
  • Be passionate about progression raiding.

Gear itself is not important as long as you have it in the best state possible.

Before you make your application we advise you to follow these simple instructions.

  • Be concise, but precise and only write what you feel is relevant.
  • Write in English and refrain from using smileys or other types of text speech.

Fill out every box where possible. They are there because we want to know the information. If the box/field doesn't apply to you, then write in there that it doesn't apply to you.

Combat logs are very powerful analytical tools and we strongly recommend that you provide us with one. They are free and not difficult to set up.

Screenshots are important to us, because it shows whether or not your UI is functional. Make sure to provide an in combat screenshot of your UI with your application.

Your application is the first we see of you and in most cases the last. It should come across as a well written application that shows us you know what you're doing.

If you have any issues with your application contact Talz or Izilar in game, or send them a forum PM

Depending on the amount of applications we get a response may take up to two weeks. If it is obvious that no effort was put into the application it is likely that you will not get a response.


For application form, click here.

NOTE: Putting some effort into your application will make it stand out from others - less is not more. Additonally we do not have the manpower to reply to applications we don't see potential in at this moment.

● Recruitment

Loot FTW is always on the look out for exceptional players
- All Classes Open

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Any old LFTW'ers alive? (102 replies)
by Mindcrime on 29/10/21 02:39
WoW Classic (13 replies)
by Nirai on 04/03/20 01:10
Mythic: The Eternal Palace 6/8 (0 replies)
by Talz on 14/08/19 11:33
Letter from other world (24 replies)
by Kir on 07/07/19 22:09
Mythic: Uu'nat (0 replies)
by Talz on 24/06/19 21:48

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